About Christian Wordsmiths
Here’s a riddle for you:
“I am a mighty weapon that writers wield. I am also one of their worst enemies. What am I?”
The mind.
Writers use our minds to produce life-changing stories. But our minds can also torture us, throwing us into pits of doubt, fear and even despair.
But Christian writers have another weapon.
Actually, several weapons. Weapons which can help us renew our minds. And the minds of our readers.
That’s what Christian Wordsmiths is all about!
Writing is an adventure. Being an author is an even bigger adventure! We’re here to support and cheer you on every step of the way.
Together, we will help one another keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we run this race that is before us.

About the Founder
Amy Ullrich is an award-winning author who began her writing journey at six years old.
Her first story is about two poor sisters who go to a ball at a local palace. They each meet a prince (what else do you do at balls?) and marry the princes the following week. (Amy hopes that she has a slightly more realistic understanding of romance these days.)
Since then, Amy has written many, many stories, most of which weren’t good for much more than something to think back on and laugh about.
But after almost two decades of disappointments, trial and error, hard study and hard work, she began to release the Heroes of Wessex series.
These books have resonated with readers of a wide range of ages and backgrounds from across the world.
While continuing to pursue her writing, Amy now works to support new and aspiring authors as they journey along the same rough, exciting road that she has travelled.
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