Dear Christian Writer, Do Not Be Afraid (Part 2)
Last week, we started looking at fear and the effect that it has on us as writers. We saw how truth is one of the greatest weapons that we can use to fight fear. When we fight fear with truth it quickly dissolves and we are able to think more clearly again. Another...
5 Weapons With Which to Slay the Writer’s Block Dragon
Weapon 1: The Measuring Tape(In other words, “size up your enemy.”) The first step to slaying this...
3 Things Writers Can Learn from The Emperor’s New Groove
There’s something you should know about me. I’m obsessed with analysing seemingly simple stories...
5 Weapons With Which to Slay the Writer’s Block Dragon
Weapon 1: The Measuring Tape(In other words, “size up your enemy.”) The first step to slaying this...
3 Things Writers Can Learn from The Emperor’s New Groove
There’s something you should know about me. I’m obsessed with analysing seemingly simple stories...
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