Equipping Christian writers to be heralds of truth, goodness and beauty

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We’re currently preparing a FREE masterclass for Christian writers.
This class will be suitable for both beginners and writers who’ve had some experience. We’ll be looking at how Christians can pursue truth and excellence across all areas of writing life, from starting a first draft to selling a published book.
The masterclass will be taught by Amy Ullrich, the award-winning author of the Heroes of Wessex series.
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Articles to Challenge and Inspire You
5 Weapons With Which to Slay the Writer’s Block Dragon
Weapon 1: The Measuring Tape(In other words, “size up your enemy.”) The first step to slaying this dragon is realizing that he can be conquered! Writer's block is not something that has to defeat you. You can get to a point as a writer where you rarely struggle with...
3 Things Writers Can Learn from The Emperor’s New Groove
There’s something you should know about me. I’m obsessed with analysing seemingly simple stories that are absolute masterpieces when it comes to their craftsmanship. The Emperor’s New Groove is one of my favourite examples of this type of story. There is so much that...
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Also, we’re planning to launch a free masterclass soon. Sign up so that you don’t miss out!